Novelty Sugar

KiKi (YuKiKi for long, YuKiKi Candy for even longer) doodles~

As a YoTenshi Yuki head + Seitenshi body hybrid, she’s basically an adorable mascot/novelty. If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you’ve probably already seen a few peeks of her!

I still need to get a pastel wig to suit her sugar-sweet candy-colored faceup (by armeleia). Since she’s just here to be cute and is already fulfilling that role, though, I keep pushing her wig purchase down on the priority list in favor of dealer stuff. She’s also, uh, missing any actual clothing and is therefore wearing the old school GiGi special with her temporary wig. Oops. XD

Double Trouble Trial

Bonus – a couple of quickie shots of the two little girls together.

I think my photo editing tendencies kind of mitigate the skintone difference between them; it’s a little more pronounced (and therefore more irksome) in real life. GiGi is my “normal”, with a cleaner (old skool BJD) faceup, while next to her MiMi’s head looks a bit like a pumpkin, it’s so blushed and textured and orange-y. She just doesn’t seem to quite fit in with the rest of the collection, as cute as she is. MiMi looking good when paired with GiGi is crucial.

So I don’t know…