Soft Smoke

Little outfit test. I might mess with the ensemble a bit and do a full shoot later, but I wanted some softer shots of Dom to contrast with the darker/glam outfit V has on right now. I like that he can pull off gentle styles like this, too.

I’ve been taking a lot of photos of him lately because he makes me happy.

I feel like I have a better grasp on his character in his current incarnation than I did previously, which helps. To think, when I started rebuilding the crew in late 2014/early 2015, I had very resolutely decided not to get him, because he always seemed to cause such problems. I wasn’t able to resist very long, obviously, but I don’t regret it. Figuring out the Dom-Jer-V dynamic was a big “ah ha!” moment.

Dove Grays

Bird brain.

Just some doodles. I’ve had this little faux bird since 2005, purchased specifically as a prop for Justyn, and I thought I’d amuse myself by taking photos of it with him again, while he’s wearing this so-very-appropriate shirt.

(Jer often refers to him as “bird brain”, by the by, because Justyn tends to be something of a space cadet. Vincynt, who doesn’t like to call anyone by their given name for reasons known only to himself, uses the nickname “dove” instead. So a bird-themed shirt is a nice little in-joke.)

Alpaca It Up

Playing with Dom because I can and he makes me happy. Maybe I should swap his wig out for the braided one, though?

Abundance of Flowers
