screaming pink

Since I don’t have any photos in the gallery of V in this wig (and she was the one I originally bought it for!), I thought I would fix that today.

Methinks the magenta of her wig sort of clashes with the hot pink of her Bobo N Doll shirt, but at the same time it kind of fits in a loud, chaotic sort of way. Cute enough, anyway, and it will have to do until I can find her some new things to wear.

an irish lass

One of the biggest mistakes @dirkmaximus makes is telling me when he likes a particular doll or outfit I show him. If he likes it as well, I’m far more prone to trying to get it. This outfit by Poshdolls is an example of this. The doll in the auction (a CustomHouse Choa, I think) was wearing a reddish wig, and he said the outfit plus the wig looked very Irish, which he liked. So I bought it. Hee! V already has her default reddish wig, so I put her Volks HG green eyes in and poof, Irish kitten.


Sometimes I think V suffers from delusions of grandeur, in which she imagines that she’s both gorgeous and a supermodel for fashionable clothing lines. That’s when I remind her that her wig is slightly askew, but she won’t give up the pretense of her photo shoot long enough for me to adjust it. Well, what are you going to do when a catgirl gives you her best haughty glare?

Outfit, jewelry, and invisible sandals by Kou.

damaged angel

Damaged angel.

expedition mode

This is one of the most amazing outfits ever, and it was so relatively cheap, too! I’d seen this style offered several times before I decided to bid on one of the auctions. I’m so glad I did. Everything about the outfit, both jacket and jeans, are wonderfully detailed, right down to working snaps, pockets, and zippers. Absolutely amazing.

Doesn’t she look ready for an adventure?