circle of destruction

Circle of destruction
Hammer comes crushing
Powerhouse of energy
Whipping up a fury
Dominating flurry
We create the battery

— “Battery” by Metallica


More than a year after Jerolyn arrived, I finally have the piece needed to complete his original character design — one badass pair of goggles. Special thanks to a friend for orchestrating a quick Another Space order so that we could get cool things.

Thus, without further ado, Jer in his new goggles and Joce in the visor that I ordered. He’s so perfect now. And Joce, oh Joce, he looks like a skater boi. Love! ♥

waiting for a star

Waiting for a star to fall
And carry your heart into my arms,
That’s where you belong, in my arms baby

— “Waiting For a Star To Fall” by Boy Meets Girl

without a parachute

Outfit by Cp. The material on the jacket is beyond cool.

blackened sun

Shirt by Luts, jeans by Ajumapama; glasses by Basicline and ear cuff by spirit_r. As always, Jer looks good in black, which doesn’t bode well…