nothing new

Clothing by Ajumapama. You’ve seen it a million times before…

without a parachute

Outfit by Cp. The material on the jacket is beyond cool.

blackened sun

Shirt by Luts, jeans by Ajumapama; glasses by Basicline and ear cuff by spirit_r. As always, Jer looks good in black, which doesn’t bode well…

losing control

Oh, this outfit makes me cry with happiness. I’ve admired Uncontrol Elizabeth’s work from afar for a while now, but I never thought I would be able to own one of their outfits without paying a bundle for the privilege. But then I managed to win this one, entitled “Revenant I”, for less than half the price of the similarly styled “Revanant II”. Joy!

Originally, it was meant for Justyn, but since he’s not available to wear it right now, Jerolyn was chosen to model it instead. I don’t know if I’ll be able to take it away from him! Jewelry by “spirit_r”.