straight laced

I never realized that DDK offered outfits for sale on their website periodically; I suppose I should have figured they didn’t just rely on getting a couple thousand off a Yahoo!Japan auction once in a while. Anyway, for whatever the reason, I thought that actually owning one of their outfits would be way out of my league, until I found this set for relatively cheap on Yahoo!Japan. Less than 7,000 yen for a cute pair of jeans (complete with DDK’s “crown” symbol on the back pocket) and an adorable black leather corset. Love it.

These are not my usual “perfect” photos with pure white backgrounds. I was trying something a little different with the shadows. Successful? I don’t know. Editing for these pretty much consisted of resizing, instead of the usual color and contrast tweaking I do in Photoshop. Gives a more “real world” feel or something.

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