Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey Ooh, the more I get of you, the stranger it feels yeah Now that your rose is in bloom A light hits the gloom on the grey — “Kiss From a Rose” by Seal
It’s just another manic Monday I wish it was Sunday ‘Cause that’s my funday My I don’t have to runday It’s just another manic Monday — “Manic Monday” by the Bangles
I’m all out of faith, this is how I feel I’m cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor Illusion never changed into something real I’m wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn You’re a little late, I’m already torn — “Torn” by Natalie Imbruglia
Maybe a little silly out of context, but I wanted to take similar photos of all five of my dolls for use in a new website layout. So, yeah. These aren’t the exact shots that I ended up using (obviously), just part of the batch. Like outtakes, I guess?