Beneath the Boughs

she wanders
(not lost or forgotten)
merely thoughtful

Chill in the Air

Winter weather is a good time to break out the blues, even for someone who doesn’t frequently wear them.

GiGi at Winter’s End

I’ve wanted to do a cute, cozy-themed set for the little girls for a while, but I only managed to accumulate enough wardrobe pieces to actually pull it off as spring began knocking on the door.

Alas. I’ll have to be content with these small shots until next winter.

Coffee ♥ Date

Let’s go on a date with Justyn~!

(hope you remembered your credit card)

a Little Sophistication

CiCi’s coloring (pink + purple) tends to lend itself well to dresses and frills, so it was fun to be able to kit her out in something a little different for a change!

I think it suits her, don’t you?