Dreaming of Softer Days

This was the first time I’d had a proper jacket on Justyn in years. He usually ends up in such summery outfits! Even with the jacket, the whole look is still so soft and reminds me of Neapolitan ice cream…

Chill in the Air

Winter weather is a good time to break out the blues, even for someone who doesn’t frequently wear them.



Night Vision

His shades are just there to look cool, and you know this because he rarely wears them over his eyes, where they’d belong if they actually served any other purpose.

I suppose “atmosphere” is as good an excuse as any…

GiGi at Winter’s End

I’ve wanted to do a cute, cozy-themed set for the little girls for a while, but I only managed to accumulate enough wardrobe pieces to actually pull it off as spring began knocking on the door.

Alas. I’ll have to be content with these small shots until next winter.