
Heh heh. I’ve wanted a doll to cosplay as my boyfriend’s comic character, Dirk Maximus for ages, but I never got around to purchasing the most essential part of his wardrobe — that distinctive hat.

So for Thanksgiving, I whipped up a rudimentary version of it. It’s a little big, a little floppy, but it actually turned out decent. According to him, Jerolyn makes a good Dirk, too, although I think his face is a little round to be completely true to the character design. Oh well.

going strait

Super-special thanks to Mia for the awesome shirt Jerolyn is wearing in these photos — it resembles a strait jacket and fits his personality perfectly. He always seems to have such confidence in himself, but I don’t doubt that a time will come when that faith is utterly shaken. Jer’s another damaged angel, only he doesn’t realize how little it will take to drive him over the edge.

the real

This is also part of the Kou outfit, a shirt which reminds me of the clothing style of the Matrix, in the “real world”. Maybe it’s just the shirt fabric. Anyway, this is the photo shoot that I used for the new layout, as you can see. I like my Jer casual, yes I do.

not a jedi yet

The auctions for Jerolyn’s head and body ended one right after the other, and I was surprised that his head ended for so relatively low a price (15,500 yen). I had fully expected it to go for at least twice that. Luckily for me, it didn’t, and there was also a really nifty outfit by Kou ending right after that… so I took a chance and won it at a very nice price as well. Wearing the hood up makes Jerolyn look a bit like a Jedi.

Extra bit of trivia: the last photo is the first (and only) doll photo I’ve ever posted where I used a tripod. I’m completely not used to that, hence the strange angle, and the immediate return to my normal hand-held methods.

oh, waiter

Justyn never wears that vest anymore anyway, so Jerolyn stole it. He has such a young look to him that dressing up makes him seem more innocent somehow. I would have liked to put the tuxedo jacket on him as well, but those darn Volks SD13 boy hand sculpts are too wide for the narrower CustomHouse sleeves. Alas.