
Same boring old Bobo outfit… but I wanted to take photos of V, so I did. I mean, people wear the same outfit more than once, so it’s okay if she does too, right? Hopefully I’ll get some more things for her in the near future. For now you’ll just get reruns, though.

angels in white

Ah, angels in white.

Good Heavens, Justyn looks a lot like the Almighty when he has his hair pulled back like that. But both of them are just so pretty when wearing white that I could cry. (They make me happy, can you tell?) Jer’s not allowed to be jealous about this because Justyn’s only doing what he does best.

sister light

Wow! I’ve been dying for an outfit from Softly She Walks for ages, but somehow money and auctions never quite coincided. So when I saw this outfit (“Sister Light”) up on eBay and showed it to my boyfriend, he bought it for me as a present. And oh, what a present! I am in love; I just can’t resist white lacy things, I really can’t, especially when they’re this pretty.

sunshine girl

I can’t explain to you how happy I am with where I live now. The sunshine that pours in through the window is phenomenal, which means I can take tons of photos of even V with her ears and still get some lovely lighting.

Unfortunately, said lighting encourages me to take way too many photos that only end up being whittled down to six. This is the other shirt from the Kou outfit that Justyn is sporting in this round of updates. Necklace and jeans are from Dolls Drug Kingdom.

to protect you

In some ways, this is weirder than Justyn and Vincynt’s relationship, and in some ways, it makes a surprising amount of sense. Jerolyn’s hellbent on protecting anything he regards as “holy”, and Valentine, as a former Archangel, falls under that category.