Me in (Mi)Miniature

I feel like I just changed MiMi’s eyes to something I was happy with, then this gorgeous pair of pale blue Silver eyes came up for sale.

Originally, I had envisioned them for Jer, but in the end I think they work better for MiMi. It certainly makes them look very much like “father” and “daughter”, especially when side-by-side!

Cutie Brigade~

Here they come~

Gifts of Autumn


Trio of Girls


Double Trouble Trial

Bonus – a couple of quickie shots of the two little girls together.

I think my photo editing tendencies kind of mitigate the skintone difference between them; it’s a little more pronounced (and therefore more irksome) in real life. GiGi is my “normal”, with a cleaner (old skool BJD) faceup, while next to her MiMi’s head looks a bit like a pumpkin, it’s so blushed and textured and orange-y. She just doesn’t seem to quite fit in with the rest of the collection, as cute as she is. MiMi looking good when paired with GiGi is crucial.

So I don’t know…