flower girl

I’ll forever regret that this Angel Region wig has missing wefts in the back. It’s such a gorgeous color, and it looks lovely with these Antique Rose #08 eyes. Sigh.

I bought this outfit off eBay last summer because I couldn’t resist the lovely lace shirt and flower applique jeans. I wish it had been styled for an SD13 body instead of the standard SD girl one because it’s a little big on V, but I still really enjoy it.

all in black

Originally, I had two sets of this outfit. First I took these photos, and halfway through the shoot I changed her eyes out for the first time and put in Antique Rose #08 (dark purple).

But I liked the poses on this set much better and figured it would be repetitive to have a dozen of the same outfit, so I went with these instead. This Matrix-style outfit is one of my favorite purchases from Yahoo!Japan.


Just having fun with the new hooded sweatshirt that I picked up today from a member of Den of Angels. It arrived a few days ago, but I haven’t been able to get packages thanks to my new work schedule.

Since I adore anything combining hearts and angel wings, I thought this Swiftheart Rabbit symbol would be perfect. V’s wearing this hoodie, CustomHouse boy jeans, and her brown CustomHouse wig. I love how she looks right now.

adventure, start!

Another Bobo N Doll outfit, also an older one. Having V here has helped me cheer up a lot recently, and I love dressing her in different outfits. She looks so casual in the browns, like she’s ready to leave on an adventure. Maybe I should get around to working on that story I started writing…

i’ll protect you

Vincynt finally unbent enough to get over his anger and pose with V for photos. About time, the jealous thing.

He’s still not fully cooperating (and neither was the sunlight, at this point), but some of the photos came out okay. Sometimes he looks younger than V, and sometimes you catch him at just the right angle to see how dangerous he really is. Oh well. He’s pretty protective of her, isn’t he? Maybe he’s going to fend off the bitsy spider I found on the window earlier today.