hot & pink

When all you have for a setting is a dorm room window, that’s where you take photos, I guess. Valyntine’s faceup clashes pretty badly with the hot pink shirt, but who’s judging?

basic brown

Everything I’ve won and ordered has arrived, I just haven’t been able to take photos now that I’m working full time. Hopefully this weekend will give me a sunny opportunity to get things done. For now, have a couple photos of some Bobo N Doll pieces. Look for more coming soon!

summer of ’76

Apologies for the lack of updates. My Bobo N Doll outfits arrived and finals are over. So, I finally edited some of the photos that have been building up on my hard drive. More to come?


Or close enough to it, anyway, to justify tank tops.

here, kitty kitty

Part two of thoughtless splurging that resulted in new wigs and new lingerie. Her normal ears have been swapped out for these black ones, part of the outfit set. It feels strange to see Valyntine like this, but her faceup and green eyes look so nice with all the black.