to protect you

In some ways, this is weirder than Justyn and Vincynt’s relationship, and in some ways, it makes a surprising amount of sense. Jerolyn’s hellbent on protecting anything he regards as “holy”, and Valentine, as a former Archangel, falls under that category.

stay cozy

I wish I had a nice fuzzy sweater like this for myself. Long ago, almost two years ago now, I first ordered the original incarnation of V, and for her first outfit, I received this pretty ensemble from biscuitbear — handknit sweater, cute skirt with appliqued leaves, and a pair of cream tights. V usually doesn’t wear skirts, but this is just such a neat little outfit. She looks so nice and warm.

carrot curls

It’s been forever since I’ve taken photos of V, but it’s not for lack of trying. Justyn especially is super-easy to photograph, while I always have the worst time trying to capture V.

This is not a new outfit, unfortunately, but it is a new wig — a lovely carrot one from LeekeWorld. Sigh. She’s much prettier in life, but she just doesn’t want to cooperate with me.


Sometimes I think V suffers from delusions of grandeur, in which she imagines that she’s both gorgeous and a supermodel for fashionable clothing lines. That’s when I remind her that her wig is slightly askew, but she won’t give up the pretense of her photo shoot long enough for me to adjust it. Well, what are you going to do when a catgirl gives you her best haughty glare?

Outfit, jewelry, and invisible sandals by Kou.

damaged angel

Damaged angel.