
Vincynt + Justyn in their respective “colors”.

This set is sort of an extension to the one used for World-Ruined’s latest layout, except that I decided to make Vincynt wear the jacket as well. They’re sort of yin and yang, aren’t they? I debated about putting these up at all because I don’t think they’re very good, but I figured since I had already started editing them, I might as well finish.

gothic bat

This is the part where I die.

After seeing Basicline’s “Gothic Bat” outfit on Yahoo!Japan, I knew just who was going to end up wearing it. An embarrassing $325 later, and this is the result. I’d like to think of it as Vincynt’s “demon” version — although when he was still with the Underworld, he wore his hair differently. Anyway, technicalities aside, this is one amazing outfit. So much metal, and so many details! The coat itself is downright heavy. Geez, is it cool, though.

a beautiful sin

Do you ever come back to a doll and realize just how much you love them even when other dolls have been hogging all your attention lately (*coughJercough*)? Vincynt’s that way. Over and over, it amazes me how much I love him — his orangey eyes, that wig, his pointed little chin, the way he looks when wearing white and black. Absolutely in love. Sorry, everyone, but there has never been a more gorgeous Cyn than Vincynt.

maroon + black

Justyn x Vincynt. What more can I say? I really don’t know which one relies on the other more. Vincynt won’t say anything about it, and Justyn just shrugs and grins in that charming way of his. The exact nature of their friendship is a mystery to all but them.


This set is just so wrong and yet…so right.

Vincynt and Jerolyn may hate each other, but they’re somehow bound together with this strange, strange destiny. One edges closer to something pure, the other teeters on the brink of the corrupted. I will probably add to this collection at some point in the future, because their relationship fascinates me.