
This set is just so wrong and yet…so right.

Vincynt and Jerolyn may hate each other, but they’re somehow bound together with this strange, strange destiny. One edges closer to something pure, the other teeters on the brink of the corrupted. I will probably add to this collection at some point in the future, because their relationship fascinates me.


A few months ago, I took photos of Vincynt with this shirt, but he was also wearing 20mm Antique Rose purple eyes, which didn’t really suit him. Those eyes have since been sold, so I thought I would try retaking those photos with something that fit him better. Thus, gray eyes, his LeekeWorld wig, and a nifty black eyepatch I won off Yahoo!Japan.

Sometimes I think Vincynt truly hides behind a mask. Maybe Justyn can talk him out of it…

find your footing

I only have so many outfits in black for Vincynt, so things tend to get recycled over and over. Well, at least he has a new wig for this, a gorgeously-styled one from LeekeWorld. He looks quite the sauve demon, doesn’t he? This’ll probably become his “default” wig; I just love how it looks on him.

(t)rusty pleather

Sometimes i think that Yahoo!Japan seller roi_m99 makes clothes expressly for Vincynt. Both this outfit and his black pleather jumpsuit were made by that seller, and I know i’ve seen many other auctions from them that would be perfect for my demon-boy.

Anyway, this marks Vincynt’s first pair of black vinyl pants, which will probably be used for great effect elsewhere. The jacket has a nifty texture, and the style almost reminds me of Final Fantasy VII‘s Vincent Valentine. Which, I suppose, is quite fitting, no?

someday, a prince

When Justyn first arrived, I tried this CustomHouse wine wave wig on him and really liked the results. Unfortunately, V was usually wearing it, and Justyn didn’t really have a decent outfit to match it anyway.

A few weeks ago, I saw this cute shirt on Yahoo!Japan for 1,500 yen and decided to get it for him. It was just dressy enough to match the wig’s look, and I’m so happy that he looks lovely in it! Now I’m really tempted to look for a prince set for him.