Perfect by nature
Icons of self indulgence
Just what we all need
More lies about a world that
Never was and never will be
— “Everybody’s Fool” by Evanescence
Tag: volks 20mm hg green
Heh heh. I’ve wanted a doll to cosplay as my boyfriend’s comic character, Dirk Maximus for ages, but I never got around to purchasing the most essential part of his wardrobe — that distinctive hat.
So for Thanksgiving, I whipped up a rudimentary version of it. It’s a little big, a little floppy, but it actually turned out decent. According to him, Jerolyn makes a good Dirk, too, although I think his face is a little round to be completely true to the character design. Oh well.
Super-special thanks to Mia for the awesome shirt Jerolyn is wearing in these photos — it resembles a strait jacket and fits his personality perfectly. He always seems to have such confidence in himself, but I don’t doubt that a time will come when that faith is utterly shaken. Jer’s another damaged angel, only he doesn’t realize how little it will take to drive him over the edge.