Faux Real Coziness

Fo’ real, though — it’s one cozy outfit. Mori styles aren’t always a go-to for Joce, but he looks fantastic in them whenever the mood hits.

This set took me so long to finish that the seasons wrapped around from fall weather when I first laid it out, all the way through sweltering summer, and back to winter, where it finally feels appropriate again.

Forever Teal

Joce looks so good in outfits like these — plus, they’re a blast to photograph! Giant scarves make for fun posing.

Mew Mew Mauve

Finally finished these!

I took them in… September. So, uh, good job, me. n_n

Outside Jaunt

Joce doodles! I love this outfit on him – the two tops pair together exactly as I hoped.

For future photos, I might swap out different accessories to mix it up a bit, but otherwise I’m pretty darn pleased. Plus, it’s Joce, and he’s a delight in and of himself. <3

Two Note Wonder

Playing around with Joce.

Some weeks back, I traded Dom’s old Isao body to someone on Den of Angels and got this body in exchange. It’s a B-11 split torso one with double-jointed elbows, which I’ve been wanting for him for a while.

A previous owner had coated it, and whatever sealant they used was splotchy in some places and extremely thick in others, so it took a lot of scrubbing to finally get it all (or at least mostly) off. I don’t really care for the feel of resin when it’s sealed, so none of my dolls are coated. Does that make me weird? (Or a bad doll owner?)

In these shots, he also has a heavily sanded Luts s-hook holder on his neck to lengthen it and boost his head up a little without doing a permanent mod. His Heart head was designed for SD13 boy bodies, so the neck hole is a little large for an SD10 body and the head sits lower than might be ideal. I don’t know if I’ll keep it as-is, adjust it a little more, or figure out something else.

Hmm. He’s cute, anyway, bobble-headed or not.