copper penny

I have mentioned that I adore this girl, haven’t I? Everything about her is perfect. She’s got the look, the attitude, the style, all of it.

This outfit’s from a Yahoo!Japan seller that unfortunately hasn’t been posting anything in a while, which is too bad. They always had the cutest matching sets. (If you’re curious, this is the outfit Justyn’s cowboy hat came with.) That’s the original FCS wig, too. Pretty.

angelic floof

Sigh. What else can I say about her that hasn’t been said already? She’s utterly perfect, in my oh-so-humble opinion.

I think the mohair wig looks lovely on her, even though it’s not a “pure” white when compared to her dress and wings. I added the black background in the first photo so you can sort of see the shape of her wings. This was an outfit i won on Yahoo!Japan many months ago, and I have to say it’s still one of my favorites.

imagine a pink

Seems like winter will never end around here, so I talked V into wearing this summery outfit so I can at least imagine it’s almost spring. Both shorts and shirt are by Bobo N Doll. It’s been buried so long in her box of clothes that I almost forgot she owned a hot pink shirt. It clashes a bit with the magenta wine of her wig, but we’ll let her slip by on that one, right?

it’s traditional

Since the arrival of her new head meant an entirely different look for V, I decided to try on all her old wigs and see if there were any that didn’t suit her. Happily, she looked lovely in practically everything I tried. Maybe that’s just a testament to how beautifully painted she is?

elegant pair

Justyn is awesome at comforting the girl, but is this relationship going a bit too far? I’d planned to do a shoot with V&V after this one, but Vincynt was so angry that Justyn was getting so close to Valyntine that he refused to let me do anything with him. Maybe if I give him some time to cool off he’ll come around. You have to admit, though, that these two make a pretty pair, especially when dressed up…