fit for a queen

Valyntine’s new Lady Sylvie head originally arrived on a pure skin standard SD girl body, and after some fighting with the elastic I changed it over to her SD13 body. This looks much nicer, in my opinion, since the head mold is rather adult and the faceup by Robin’s Egg gives her a very serious expression. I also wanted to get a nice clear photo of her angel wing tattoos for once.

Bonus — shots of the entire ensemble from Robin’s Egg. The black dress is a very simple tube dress made from stretch velour, with a large section of it free for creative draping and pinning. Her wig is silver with black streaks hand-sewn into it, and the jewelry is probably what makes Robin’s Egg most well-known as a dealer. All three pieces are beautiful, and the green of the beads match her eyes.


Quickie pics taken upon arrival. Everyone was clamoring for photos, so I tried to get this up as soon as possible. More details soon!

time enough

…But the friendly terms from the previous shoot might just get called off with this one. They look so sweet together, but who knows if it’s for real or just a passing phase? Justyn has stolen another of Vincynt’s wigs, and the black ponytail makes him look tougher. I guess if he feels he has to protect V, he’ll be like that.

backlit lace

Sigh. With the way I take photos, there’s so much light on her wings that you can barely see them. Alas, I’ll have to wait for warmer weather so I can take outdoor photos again. At least with the backlit effect, the lace details of the skirt are finally visible. Oh, my angel. I love this girl!

copper x green

One of these days I’m going to get more Bobo N Doll outfits for this poor girl, but it’s not going to be now. These Antique Rose eyes arrived a while back, and I finally got some photos up. Even though they were more expensive, I just had to have the gradation #01 (copper x green) ones for her, since they most closely resemble her character design’s eye color. Pretty! They’re a bit hard to photograph, but I think I just need a better setup.