trouble begins with “d”

His intended wig isn’t here yet (I’m hoping for a delivery tomorrow), so he’s still playing the role of anti!Justyn. To add to that, I took him out onto the stairway landing today to grab a few more photos using natural light instead of artificial. It suits him well enough!

Definitely need to get him an appropriate eye patch soon. Ideally, I would want something like the patch included with the DollHeart “Fallen Princess” set. Unfortunately for me, I wouldn’t have any use for the rest of the outfit, I doubt anyone would want to give up just the stupid little square of fabric with ribbons, and the set’s sold out anyway. I should try just making my own; even for a complete sewing klutz like me, it can’t be that hard to make. Maybe I should make two, one plain and one with a heart on it. ♥

Augh, I love him, but that wig needs to go. XD

right kind of sinner

You’re a heartbreaker, dreammaker
Love-taker, don’t you mess around with me
You’re a heartbreaker, dreammaker
Love-taker, heartbreaker!

— “Heartbreaker” by Pat Benatar

AKA: Hi, Dom. ♥ ♥ ♥

(He won’t stay like this. He has his own wig – Yukinojo’s default – on the way, for one thing; I also need to get him his own body and a different pair of eyes to swap out. But good grief, he’s gorgeous. His lips have sparkle. Sparkle. I love.)

boys of summer

And I can tell you my love for you will still be strong
After the boys of summer have gone

— “the Boys of Summer” by Don Henley

JoJuVi pile-up snuggle in the corner. Take that! ♥

I’d actually taken these more than two weeks ago but never got around to editing them all. Even if they’re not the greatest, they’re still kind of fun just ’cause the three of them are so cute. Maybe by the time I get Vincynt back, I’ll have miraculously gained the skills necessary to take real photos of them together. Wish me luck?

geisha dreams

This turned out much longer than I’d planned – I’d originally wanted to only take a couple shots. But Justyn + camera = me going overboard. I just can’t help it with that face of his; the camera loves him, and I love him, and so he gets spoiled rotten when it comes to photo shoots. If he weren’t so pretty and so easy to take photos of, it’d be different.

Alas, it’s not, and you’ll just have to put up with it.

Edit: By the way – Joce is not to let Justyn put yukata (or kimono, if I ever get any) on by himself anymore. Justyn thinks it should be worn comfortably, like a robe, which means…tying the obi in the front. No more of that, J-bird. (He has no idea what that could possibly mean, except that he’s happier with how it feels.) XD

stairway to heaven

And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll
And she’s buying a stairway to heaven

— “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin