Two Note Wonder

Playing around with Joce.

Some weeks back, I traded Dom’s old Isao body to someone on Den of Angels and got this body in exchange. It’s a B-11 split torso one with double-jointed elbows, which I’ve been wanting for him for a while.

A previous owner had coated it, and whatever sealant they used was splotchy in some places and extremely thick in others, so it took a lot of scrubbing to finally get it all (or at least mostly) off. I don’t really care for the feel of resin when it’s sealed, so none of my dolls are coated. Does that make me weird? (Or a bad doll owner?)

In these shots, he also has a heavily sanded Luts s-hook holder on his neck to lengthen it and boost his head up a little without doing a permanent mod. His Heart head was designed for SD13 boy bodies, so the neck hole is a little large for an SD10 body and the head sits lower than might be ideal. I don’t know if I’ll keep it as-is, adjust it a little more, or figure out something else.

Hmm. He’s cute, anyway, bobble-headed or not.

Double Trouble Trial

Bonus – a couple of quickie shots of the two little girls together.

I think my photo editing tendencies kind of mitigate the skintone difference between them; it’s a little more pronounced (and therefore more irksome) in real life. GiGi is my “normal”, with a cleaner (old skool BJD) faceup, while next to her MiMi’s head looks a bit like a pumpkin, it’s so blushed and textured and orange-y. She just doesn’t seem to quite fit in with the rest of the collection, as cute as she is. MiMi looking good when paired with GiGi is crucial.

So I don’t know…

Pumpkin in the Garden

Test drive.

I recently had MiMi repainted, and I’m still trying to decide if the new faceup is going to work out. It’s an incredibly well-done one, with fantastic linework; I love the eyebrows, the painted eyelashes, and her applied white eyelashes.

What I can’t quite get used to is how heavily she’s blushed, and I quickly found out that in person, painted “skin texture” is not for me. She seems overdone compared to the simpler, clean and stylized look of my other dolls, and I keep mistaking the “skin texture” for dust or mold and trying to brush it off.

I want to be fair to her, though, and give myself time to think about what I want to do – if I can get used to the new look or if I should start searching for a different faceup artist and try again. The best way to do that was to start photographing her and see how I felt. I’m really in love with her, but I think that’s a product of it being MiMi (the Tsugumi sculpt, her eyes/wig combo, her personality) more than anything.

So I haven’t figured out just what to do yet…