it’s traditional

Since the arrival of her new head meant an entirely different look for V, I decided to try on all her old wigs and see if there were any that didn’t suit her. Happily, she looked lovely in practically everything I tried. Maybe that’s just a testament to how beautifully painted she is?

elegant pair

Justyn is awesome at comforting the girl, but is this relationship going a bit too far? I’d planned to do a shoot with V&V after this one, but Vincynt was so angry that Justyn was getting so close to Valyntine that he refused to let me do anything with him. Maybe if I give him some time to cool off he’ll come around. You have to admit, though, that these two make a pretty pair, especially when dressed up…

fit for a queen

Valyntine’s new Lady Sylvie head originally arrived on a pure skin standard SD girl body, and after some fighting with the elastic I changed it over to her SD13 body. This looks much nicer, in my opinion, since the head mold is rather adult and the faceup by Robin’s Egg gives her a very serious expression. I also wanted to get a nice clear photo of her angel wing tattoos for once.

Bonus — shots of the entire ensemble from Robin’s Egg. The black dress is a very simple tube dress made from stretch velour, with a large section of it free for creative draping and pinning. Her wig is silver with black streaks hand-sewn into it, and the jewelry is probably what makes Robin’s Egg most well-known as a dealer. All three pieces are beautiful, and the green of the beads match her eyes.


Quickie pics taken upon arrival. Everyone was clamoring for photos, so I tried to get this up as soon as possible. More details soon!