twice the black v2

Thank goodness for the sun. Despite the fact that most of the time these two don’t get along as well as I would hope (similar personalities clashing and all that), they look really cute together when they aren’t bickering. Those Antique Rose eyes in Vincynt couldn’t be any more perfect for him. Do you suppose he’s whispering a secret “I love you”?

cat suit

Another outfit from Fancyboots that I’m lucky enough to own. This is such a pretty, sexy black set with its fitted style. Love it. This wig is so nifty on her, too. One day I’ll get another Volks one in brown or wine, but for now this is all I have. Works for me, though!

stolen goods

If I had any doubts before, photos like these would put to rest all my fears that I did something terrible when i decided the Lady Sylvie head mold would be better than the old F-13. This is truly how I imagined her to be; everything about her fits the character design in my mind perfectly. Gah, I love her.

Her bookbag was swiped from Vincynt. It’s not like he uses it anyway, and now V can use it for adventuring.

turn up the volume

Amazing that I managed to squeeze enough light out of a rainy day to (sort of) capture her Antique Rose eyes, isn’t it?

The other day I changed them to her expensive gradation ones, and I can say that I really love her in these. Sometime soon I’d like to get wigs in this color with other styles. She looks very cute, no? Poor thing, she needs more clothes so I don’t have to recycle the same old Bobo N Doll shirts and R-Jeans all the time.

the cat came back

Fancyboots’s gorgeous pink kitty outfit. Oh, how I love how beautiful and soft it is! She’s wearing the Antique Rose purple eyes here too, but the light wasn’t so great today. Why does it always snow or rain on the weekends when I’m home to take photos? At least I have this outfit to cheer me up. She’s wearing another Angel Region wig here, and I just love how it forms those pretty curls!