(t)rusty pleather

Sometimes i think that Yahoo!Japan seller roi_m99 makes clothes expressly for Vincynt. Both this outfit and his black pleather jumpsuit were made by that seller, and I know i’ve seen many other auctions from them that would be perfect for my demon-boy.

Anyway, this marks Vincynt’s first pair of black vinyl pants, which will probably be used for great effect elsewhere. The jacket has a nifty texture, and the style almost reminds me of Final Fantasy VII‘s Vincent Valentine. Which, I suppose, is quite fitting, no?

maybe too weird

Out of boredom one day, I tried V’s Antique Rose #08 eyes in Vincynt and was surprised to find that the 20mm eyes actually fit him decently. What freaks me out, though, is how un-Vincynt-like he looks in these eyes. They’re too large, and too dark, making him seem younger and less angry. Weird.

I think I’d prefer 18mm red eyes in him for use with this shirt. Not sure why it has Bible verses on it, but it’s still nifty. Everything he’s wearing (aside from eyes) is from CustomHouse, because they rock.


There’s not enough photos of Vincynt with this wig (by Cassiel!), are there? All that fur makes him look a little poof-headed, but he’s still got those same angry eyebrows. We still love him, right?

In some of the photos, the sunlight on his arm makes him appear to melt into the white background, like he’s literally coming through the light to you.

sip of wine

Follow-up on the quick shots I posted in my journal the other day, showing off how sexy Vincynt looks in the wine wig. Paired with Justyn’s tuxedo, he looks almost too aristocratic and snobbish. Methinks as lovely as the wine wig looks on him, he really needs it in black. Ah, but the wavy style is so cute on him.

dual angels

Dual angels.