sunlit angel

More of angel-version Justyn, just because I can. This time he has the wings I originally bought for V, since Vincynt stole the pair that actually came with this outfit. Sigh. I love this boy.

One of these days, I’m going to get him light blue eyes, dammit. The Antique Rose yellowish eyes are lovely in him, but this outfit practically demands stereotypical blonde hair and blue eyes.

an angel descends

We all knew Justyn would be revealed as an angel someday, didn’t we?

Of the three, I think he’s probably the most angelic. Vincynt is borderline demon, and V… who knows what exactly she is? Bought from a seller on Yahoo!Japan, this outfit isn’t exactly the highest quality, but I think the amateurish look really adds to the “damaged” style. The wings were even included!

twice the black

It rained again today. Yuck. So when it rains, you need some photos of handsome boys to make up for it, right? I know I did. They’re cute together.

And, um, that’s about it.

trying new things

It was sunny when I got up this morning, but as the day wore on it became less and less so. Finally I gave up on using my usual lighting setting and tried this method instead. Didn’t turn out too bad, but with Justyn as a model, what would? Love how he looks with the black fur wig and those yellow eyes. Most gorgeous Jun ever, I swear.

someday, a prince

When Justyn first arrived, I tried this CustomHouse wine wave wig on him and really liked the results. Unfortunately, V was usually wearing it, and Justyn didn’t really have a decent outfit to match it anyway.

A few weeks ago, I saw this cute shirt on Yahoo!Japan for 1,500 yen and decided to get it for him. It was just dressy enough to match the wig’s look, and I’m so happy that he looks lovely in it! Now I’m really tempted to look for a prince set for him.