Casual Stylish Something

… It’s a Vincynt set.

Simmering Gray

Posting these because I want to be DONE because I am TIRED of looking at your STUPID FACE, JER. >:O

Immobilized by Fashion


I wasn’t sure of this outfit when I was putting it together – it had lots of favorite elements but did it really jell? – but I ended up pretty pleased with it in the end.

I love how the shirt works with the denim jacket, even though the fairly rigid fabric plus the double layered sleeves hinders his arm mobility more than I’d like. Next time I use the jacket for an outfit, I think I’ll go with short sleeves and see how much of a difference it makes. ^^;

Out of This World

Might’ve gone a bit overboard… oops.

Ever since the Carrot-kun fiasco, I’ve been dragging my feet on photographing Jer again. The faceup on his other head was such a disappointment that I scheduled a slot with a different artist to get him repainted as soon as I could (he went out in early September), but it’s going to be at least a few more weeks before I expect him back.

I’m hoping – really, really hoping – that this time it will work out better, and I didn’t want to spend too much energy and work on an old version of him that would be rendered obsolete. But I miss sharing him, so…

Feelin’ Sunny

Some super-quick before-work shots from… nearly two weeks ago now. Whoops. But it’s something!