it’s traditional

Since the arrival of her new head meant an entirely different look for V, I decided to try on all her old wigs and see if there were any that didn’t suit her. Happily, she looked lovely in practically everything I tried. Maybe that’s just a testament to how beautifully painted she is?

new york life

Before Vincynt arrived, V stole this Ajumapama outfit. I was lucky enough to win this off Yahoo!Japan by emailing Masamichi something like an hour before it ended. Not much time, but he did it!

Like most Ajumapama outfits, it ended up rather expensive (something like 19,500 yen), but it was worth it. Their quality is amazing. Of course, I had to have it because of the New York hoodie.

raidin’ tombs

Ha, told you I’d get updates soon, right? Took bunches of new photos, like this set of Valyntine showing off her “Lara Croft”-esque cosplay. Enjoy! There will be even more to come, I promise.

basic brown

Everything I’ve won and ordered has arrived, I just haven’t been able to take photos now that I’m working full time. Hopefully this weekend will give me a sunny opportunity to get things done. For now, have a couple photos of some Bobo N Doll pieces. Look for more coming soon!


Or close enough to it, anyway, to justify tank tops.