like the boys

Not too exciting a subject, is it? When first taking group photos, I realized that both boys were wearing jeans and a white button-up shirt, so I decided to dress up V in the same manner. Too bad she doesn’t have a pair of faded jeans like they do, but she still kind of matches. These are her R-Jeans and a Volks boys suit shirt.

uh oh?

Ha ha, now we see the real reason Vincynt is so annoyed with Justyn’s presence — he’s moving in on V! Justyn looks very protective of her, but I’m not so sure they’re as serious as Vincynt would like to think.

Maybe this is just for show, to get Vincynt riled up?

a kind of uniform

Meep. Vincynt doesn’t seem too happy about Justyn moving into his territory, no matter how friendly the “new guy” is. They look cute together, but who knows what they’re really thinking? Justyn’s wearing his original tux white shirt and a pair of CustomHouse F23 jeans; Vincynt is also wearing his original school shirt and Ajumapama jeans.

…Hmm, that last photo is angled funny, isn’t it? Oh well.


Ah, now this is more like it. He was cute in his tuxedo, but breaking loose with torn jeans (CustomHouse F23 design) is much more his style. He looks like a model or something, so relaxed. I love how his wig flips over his eye like that! Sometime I’ll have to get a good shot of the little ponytail in the back, too.

the best man

Justyn is a “Bestman Gene” type, so here he is wearing his original tuxedo, including cute sparkly green-blue vest. Unlike the others in the “Bestman” series, he didn’t come with a bowtie. I wonder why? Of course, knowing him, he probably had one and tossed it away at the first chance he got so he could be more comfortable. He’s such a sweet guy, though, that no one will blame him for it, I’m sure.