pretty kitty

Who would have thought Valyntine would enjoy a frilly pink dress like this? When Fancyboots first introduced a teaser photo of the pink kitty outfit she’d designed, I fell instantly in love. I knew I had to have it, and so in the final moments of an eBay auction I managed to snag it. It cost me a pretty penny, but when it arrived I knew the cost had been worth it. Everything is so lovely and well-made!

…Now that I look at these, I think I probably should have changed her eyes to purple for a better effect, but oh well. Wish I had some pink ones. The texture on the fabric is just purrr-fect.

enter the matrix

Although I’ve mentioned this outfit before, I realized that I’d never taken photos of it for this site. So today I squeezed the last bit of juice out of my camera’s battery and took some photos before I had to let it recharge. Can you tell I love this wig? I’ll have to change it at some point. But hey, V has her green eyes back again.

(Oh yeah, that last shot is apparently the “fireball” pose. Heh!)

odd couple

Haven’t taken group photos in a while, so I thought I’d put my V&V duo together while I was taking individual photos. Cute, aren’t they? I love the last photo especially, with the way Vincynt glances back at Valyntine. Damsel in distress, perhaps?

white lolita

The funny thing is, I coaxed Valyntine into this white lolita sundress because I thought it would match the lovely new CustomHouse “traditional” silver slippers that arrived yesterday. Then, of course, I started taking photos and somehow forgot to get any shots of the slippers themselves. Oops. You can see how gorgeous her Antique Rose eyes are, though!


These were inspired by a drawing @dirkmaximus did for me for my journal layout. Since his drawing came out so nicely, I thought I’d try the same effect in photography. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any material to rip for bandages, so instead I used a dark purple ribbon. Hee! Hence, the grayscale so you can’t really tell that they’re such a bright color.