
Told you he needs more clothes. This is another new fur wig by Cassiel, same style as the white but in a super-dark brown “natural” color. If you’re really curious, the ribbon came tied on the pink kitty package Fancyboots sent. I just had to use it for something, and the black matched nicely with Vincynt’s wig.

limited wardrobe

Poor Vincynt, I really need to get him some other clothes to wear. Unfortunately, that’s going to have to wait a good long time with the purchases I’ve been making recently. Well, new clothes or not, this is a new white fur wig made by Cassiel. Her pattern is really nice and fits him so perfectly! Oh, and I went back to sunlight for this. Can you believe it was snowing while I was taking these?

By the way, Vincynt steals everything, doesn’t he? Even Valyntine’s wings! At some point I’d like to get him a pair of black wings, but for now he’s going to borrow hers. Despite the wings, i don’t think he looks all that angelic. Or maybe that’s just because I know what’s he like.

And that last photo? Vincynt made fun of the pink kitty outfit once too often, so V stuck that on his head as payback. Thanks to biscuitbear for knitting it!

maybe a fail

This was more of an experiment than anything else. Since I moved to my new room, I don’t get the same kind of light my old room did (the window is facing another direction). So I thought I would try taking photos with a white sheet as a backdrop and with artificial light instead of sunlight. The results were kind of interesting, but I don’t think I’ll do it all that often. I like my pure white backgrounds too much!

odd couple

Haven’t taken group photos in a while, so I thought I’d put my V&V duo together while I was taking individual photos. Cute, aren’t they? I love the last photo especially, with the way Vincynt glances back at Valyntine. Damsel in distress, perhaps?

cosplay style

Mwa ha ha. When the “golden retriever” fur wig came in stock again, I had to snap it up just for this particular outfit. Although he still needs proper khaki cargo pants and the ever-present hat, here’s Vincynt cosplaying as my boyfriend’s comic character, Dirk Maximus. And yes, now everyone knows that I can’t tie a tie to save my life.