Told you he needs more clothes. This is another new fur wig by Cassiel, same style as the white but in a super-dark brown “natural” color. If you’re really curious, the ribbon came tied on the pink kitty package Fancyboots sent. I just had to use it for something, and the black matched nicely with Vincynt’s wig.
Tag: customhouse 18mm gray
Poor Vincynt, I really need to get him some other clothes to wear. Unfortunately, that’s going to have to wait a good long time with the purchases I’ve been making recently. Well, new clothes or not, this is a new white fur wig made by Cassiel. Her pattern is really nice and fits him so perfectly! Oh, and I went back to sunlight for this. Can you believe it was snowing while I was taking these?
By the way, Vincynt steals everything, doesn’t he? Even Valyntine’s wings! At some point I’d like to get him a pair of black wings, but for now he’s going to borrow hers. Despite the wings, i don’t think he looks all that angelic. Or maybe that’s just because I know what’s he like.
And that last photo? Vincynt made fun of the pink kitty outfit once too often, so V stuck that on his head as payback. Thanks to biscuitbear for knitting it!
This was more of an experiment than anything else. Since I moved to my new room, I don’t get the same kind of light my old room did (the window is facing another direction). So I thought I would try taking photos with a white sheet as a backdrop and with artificial light instead of sunlight. The results were kind of interesting, but I don’t think I’ll do it all that often. I like my pure white backgrounds too much!
Mwa ha ha. When the “golden retriever” fur wig came in stock again, I had to snap it up just for this particular outfit. Although he still needs proper khaki cargo pants and the ever-present hat, here’s Vincynt cosplaying as my boyfriend’s comic character, Dirk Maximus. And yes, now everyone knows that I can’t tie a tie to save my life.