street cool

Whoo, finally, new outfit!

This cool street ensemble was a Bobo N Doll auction on Yahoo!Japan. Like Justyn, this was a bit of an impulse buy. One morning I saw the auction a few minutes from ending at a rather low price and decided to bid. As luck would have it, the final price was just a little bit off from my highest bid. Any higher and I would have lost. I’m glad I didn’t!

Like all Bobo outfits, it’s very high quality and incredibly cute. The necklace has tiny skull charms!


Originally I’d purchased these CustomHouse gray eyes for Vincynt, since they were similar to the first Cyn’s eye color. The other day I decided to try them in Justyn, and because they’re not paper-weighted the way his Antique Rose eyes are, I was able to give him a really nifty upward glance that made him look both sexy and angry. Too bad I know he’s a softie inside.

first time trio

Don’t even ask me how I got all three to stand up on their own without knocking each other over, because I have no idea! luck, I suppose. Heck, I even managed to get through the entire session with all of them still standing.

Together the three of them make quite the group, especially when dressed alike. All three are wearing jeans and white shirts plus all pairs of black boots are from CustomHouse. Makes me wish I had a bigger platform to set them on and some nifty stands so I could do Charlie’s Angels-type poses.

a kind of uniform

Meep. Vincynt doesn’t seem too happy about Justyn moving into his territory, no matter how friendly the “new guy” is. They look cute together, but who knows what they’re really thinking? Justyn’s wearing his original tux white shirt and a pair of CustomHouse F23 jeans; Vincynt is also wearing his original school shirt and Ajumapama jeans.

…Hmm, that last photo is angled funny, isn’t it? Oh well.

double vs

Two Vs together again, in yet more furry wigs and frilly dresses. Vincynt stopped teasing V about the pink dress long enough for this shoot to finish, which makes me kind of proud of him. They’re cute together when they’re not bickering.